Yass Valley Times Article

Yass Valley Times Article

Thanks to Yass Valley Times for this article about our involvement with UNSW Canberra’s M2 Pathfinder mission: “Pathfinder Spacecraft Successfully Tracked From Cingulan Base in Yass”

Cube Satellites

Successful Launch of UNSW Canberra’s M2 Pathfinder Satellite

We are thrilled to announce a major milestone with the successful launch of UNSW Canberra’s M2 Pathfinder satellite, designed and built by UNSW Canberra Space. Congratulations to the team at UNSW Canberra on a successful launch! Our team at Cingulan Space is proud to have played a key role in...

Satellite Display

ASPI’s “The Strategist” Article

Our CEO Keith Rosario was pleased to contribute his thoughts in an article for ASPI’s “The Strategist” on securing spectrum for Space 2.0. Read the full article here “Securing spectrum for Space 2.0” Image: Chris Devers/Flickr.          

NASA Jet Propulsion Event

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Presentation

We enjoyed a terrific, inspiring presentation by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory tonight in Canberra. The Cingulan Space team was so pleased to have a group of Yass kids join us to learn about exciting career opportunities in their future world. Our STEM outreach initiatives are so important to us, it’s...

World Space Week Event

World Space Week Event

What a great way to end World Space Week! Tonight we held a special Space Week event in Yass. Our guest speaker was Dr Fiona Panther, Astrophysicist. Fiona’s journey led her from a small English country town to working at the forefront of Australian space research. Fiona shared her view...

School visit

Space Week School Visit

We had a great time today visiting local school Berinba Public School in Yass for Space Week.  Our team had a great morning session themed around space, speaking to the students about rockets, telemetry, satellites and all things space! We got lots of great questions from both K-2 and 3-6...

Snow at tracking station


It’s not every day you see the station covered in snow! We arrived to a blanket of snow this morning at our Yass Ground Station!

WA Tracking Station

New Cingulan Tracking Station

Cingulan Space has proudly commissioned its Western Australian (WA) satellite tracking station, making it the first company to achieve east-coast and west-coast Space 2.0 Ground Segment as a Service in Australia. Our newest satellite tracking station is in the southwest of WA near Wagin, strategically located for the best access...

Supporting Gilmour Space

Supporting Gilmour Space

Cingulan Space is proud to be supporting the Gilmour Space team, another Australian company working to service the global Space 2.0 market. We’ve been working with Gilmour Space to provide RF engineering support for their rocket communications and GPS integration and test at the Gold Coast.